Sunday, 11 June 2017

Introduction to instrumentation

Introduction to instrumentation

Instrumentation is one of the main branches of engineering. It deals with measuring and controlling the process variable. The industrial process variable are pressure, temperature,flow,level, etc....
The technology of using instruments to measure and control the physical and chemical properties of materials are called instrumentation. When the instruments are used for the measurement and control of the industrial manufacturing, conversion or to treating process, the term process  instrumentation is applied. And when the measuring and controlling instruments are combined so that measurements provide impulse for remote automatic action. The result is called a control system.

Aim of instrumentation

The basic purpose of instrumentation in an industry is to obtain maximum output from the industry with the minimum usage of raw material, time, energy, manpower, etc. ...
Instrumentation is a part of science of apply measuring device or measuring and controlling devices to an object or a combination of objects (a system) for the purpose of determining the identity and magnitude of certain varyimg physical or chemical quantities and often for the purpose of controlling those quantities with in specifies limitations.

      The progress of instrumentation in industr
y, as it is know today, took place largely in 1930 s. It begins with the introduction of a reliable instrument for record temperature. With the growth of continuous manufacturering the need for continuous measurement of pressure ,temperature, flow, level, and flow become a necessity. There are continuous demands for the improvement


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